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Saturday, 1 October 2011

JoyfullySewnDesigns...a lovely shop full of goodies.

This weekend I have been asked to promote a fellow shop from the Christian Artists Street Team, or CASTteam for short. These people are very supportive of each other and they love Jesus, so it's a great team to belong to.

I would like to introduce you to a shop called "Joyfully Sewn Designs". http://www.etsy.com/shop/JoyfullySewnDesigns?ref=pr_shop_more#

This shop has been on Etsy for almost two years. The seller's name is Miss Sarah and she makes cute, old fashioned clothes for girls. Even though the designs are quaint, modern funky fabrics are used so your little one will never look "out of date". You can find her on Artfire too, though I haven't had any experience with that particular website. www.joyfullysewndesigns.artfire.com


She uses her little sisters as models and they have a fun time playing "dress-ups", the photos are adorable.

I think my DD, the Pickle, would love this one. She made me buy her a straw hat with a red ribbon and flowers on it at St Vinnie's on Friday, and has been wearing her hair in plaits ever since. I think it is because she is currently reading "Pollyanna"!

Here's one more cute photo for good measure.

In her shop announcement, the seller has this cheerful scripture: "And my soul shall be joyful in the LORD: it shall rejoice in his salvation." Psalm 35:9. I love that Miss Sarah brings glory to God with her sewing, and I'm praying that He will bless her socks off.


  1. This shop is adorable! I wish I had little girls to buy these clothes for!

  2. Thanks so much for the sweet post on my shop! I am honored to have been featured on your blog!
